Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Farewell to Duncan and Hugo

Alas, another farewell to more good friends... sorry to see you guys go... here's some photos from today's litte take over breakfast at Sophie's (I do mean takeover - we told them 10 were coming, and 20 showed up... woo hoo) [just click the photos to get the huge versions (I do mean huge)]

and for those of you that like to have the full quality picture - here's the 2.2MB biggy of Tai's Farewell party...

Big shouts out to Matt Jones for hosting photos and other random stuff for me :) Thanks man... check out www.jonesverbiage.com

1 comment:

Mattithyahu said...

I do what I can... and by that I mean sitting on my butt and pressing keys... ;)
